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  • Prime Abilities: Dexterity
  • Hit Points: 1d4 per Level, +1 after Level 10
  • Combat Aptitude: Semi-martial
  • Armour: Light, no shields
  • Weapons: Small and Medium

Inveterate scoundrels, thieves are always on the lookout for their next mark, scam, or get rich quick scheme. Many thieves are drawn to a life of adventure, relishing exploration, peril, and the promise of great wealth.

Starting Equipment

Armour (roll 1d6): 1–3. None. 4–6. Leather.

Weapons (roll 1d6 twice): 1. Club. 2. 3 daggers. 3. Longsword. 4. Shortbow + 20 arrows. 5. Shortsword. 6. Sling + 20 stones.

Class items: Thieves’ tools.


Thieves are proficient in dealing deadly blows when attacking from behind with a dagger in melee.

Conditions: The thief must be positioned behind the target, and the target must be unaware of the thief’s presence. If the thief successfully used their Stealth skill to hide or sneak, the target is considered unaware.

Type of target: Back-stab may only be used against mortals, fairies, or demi-fey of Small or Medium size.

Bonuses: The thief gains a +4 Attack bonus and inflicts 3d4 damage (modified by Strength) on a successful strike. Magic daggers also add their enchantment bonus to back-stab damage.

Thief Skills

As they advance in level, thieves improve their chance of success with the Listen and Search skills. They also have six additional, specialised skills. The Thief Skill Targets table lists the character’s Skill Targets as they advance in Level.

Climb Wall

A successful check allows a thief to climb vertical or very steep surfaces with only minimal handholds. The thief does not require any special climbing equipment.

Easier circumstances: Thieves make easier climbs without a roll (e.g. see Climbing).

Long climbs: For climbs of over 100′, a Climb Wall Check is required for each stretch of up to 100′. For example, a climb of 150′ requires two checks.

Failure: The thief is unable to find suitable handholds and makes no progress with the climb.

Natural 1: On a roll of natural 1, the thief must Save Versus Doom or fall from the half way point, suffering 1d6 damage per 10′ of the fall.

Retrying: The thief may retry failed attempts as often as they wish, each subsequent attempt requiring 1 Turn.

Decipher Document

A successful check allows a thief to understand the gist of a non-magical text in a language they do not speak, unravel a cypher, or identify cryptically labelled landmarks on a map.

Retrying: The thief may only attempt to read the same document again after gaining a Level.

Disarm Mechanism

A successful check allows a thief to disarm complex, clockwork-like trap mechanisms hidden in a lock, lid, door handle, or similar. Thieves’ tools are required for disarming mechanism traps (see Adventuring Gear).

Time: Each attempt to disarm a trap requires 1 Turn.

Retrying: The thief may retry failed attempts as often as they wish, each attempt requiring an additional 1 Turn.

Natural 1: On a roll of natural 1, the thief must Save Versus Doom or accidentally spring the trap.


A successful check allows a thief to pilfer a small item in the possession of another creature or perform a trick of sleight of hand, such as palming a small object or slipping a poison into a drink.

Difficulty: –1 penalty per three Levels of the victim or observer (e.g. a Level 6 target incurs a –2 penalty).

Natural 1: On a roll of natural 1, the thief must Save Versus Doom to avoid being noticed. The Referee determines the victim’s reaction.

Pick Lock

A successful check allows a thief to open a lock without the key. Thieves’ tools are required for picking locks (see Adventuring Gear).

Time: Each attempt to pick a lock requires 1 Turn.

Retrying: The thief may retry failed attempts as often as they wish, each attempt requiring an additional 1 Turn.

Difficult locks: The Referee may rule that certain locks are more difficult. Advanced locks incur a penalty to the Pick Lock Check or only allow a fixed number of attempts, after which the thief is stymied and may only try again after gaining a Level.


Hiding: A thief may make a Stealth Check to remain undetected when shadows are the only cover available. See Hiding and Ambushes under Stealth.

Sneaking: If a Surprise Roll indicates that a thief’s party has been detected, the thief may make a Stealth Check to remain undetected. See Surprise and Sneaking under Stealth.

Thief Skill Targets

Level Climb Wall Decipher Doc. Disarm Mech. Legerdemain Listen Pick Lock Search Stealth
1 4 6 6 6 6 5 6 5
2 4 6 5 6 6 5 5 5
3 4 6 5 5 5 5 5 5
4 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 3 5 5 5 5 4 5 4
6 3 5 4 5 5 4 4 4
7 3 5 4 4 4 4 4 4
8 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
9 2 4 4 4 4 3 4 3
10 2 4 3 4 4 3 3 3
11 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 3
12 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3
13 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
14 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2
15 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Customising Thief Skills (Optional Rule)

The Thief Skill Targets table lists the standard skill progression, granting a balanced advancement across all skills. Players wishing to customise their character’s skill advancement may use this optional rule.

Base Skill Target: All skills begin at 6.

Expertise points: Thieves gain expertise points to improve their skills. Each point allocated to a skill lowers the Skill Target by 1.

At Level 1: At character creation, the player may allocate 4 expertise points.

Gaining Levels: At each Level gained, the player may allocate 2 expertise points.

Minimum Skill Target: No Skill Target may be lowered below 2.

Thieves’ Cant

In addition to their native languages, thieves learn a secret language of gestures and code words that allows them to hide messages in seemingly normal conversations.

Thief Advancement

Save Targets
Level XP Hit Points Attack Doom Ray Hold Blast Spell
1 0 1d4 +0 13 14 13 15 15
2 1,200 +1d4 +0 13 14 13 15 15
3 2,400 +1d4 +1 12 13 12 14 14
4 4,800 +1d4 +1 12 13 12 14 14
5 9,600 +1d4 +2 11 12 11 13 13
6 19,200 +1d4 +2 11 12 11 13 13
7 38,400 +1d4 +3 10 11 10 12 12
8 76,800 +1d4 +3 10 11 10 12 12
9 150,000 +1d4 +4 9 10 9 11 11
10 270,000 +1d4 +4 9 10 9 11 11
11 390,000 +1 +5 8 9 8 10 10
12 510,000 +1 +5 8 9 8 10 10
13 630,000 +1 +6 7 8 7 9 9
14 750,000 +1 +6 7 8 7 9 9
15 870,000 +1 +7 6 7 6 8 8
thief.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/17 18:03 by admin

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