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  • Prime Abilities: Charisma and Strength
  • Hit Points: 1d8 per Level, +2 after Level 10
  • Combat Aptitude: Martial
  • Armour: Medium and Heavy, shields
  • Weapons: Any melee weapons

Knights are masters of heavily armoured, mounted combat and, as vassals of a noble house, hold a special rank in society. Knights earn great respect from the common folk and exemplify the qualities of nobility, honour, and decency in all their deeds. Player Character knights are typically knights-errant—those who wander the land in pursuit of adventure to prove their chivalric virtues.


A knight serves one of the lower noble houses of Dolmenwood (i.e. excluding House Brackenwold, which rules all of Dolmenwood). The player should roll or choose one of the houses listed under The Lower Houses of Dolmenwood.

Disfavour: Knighthood may be revoked if a knight displeases or dishonours their liege through failure, rebellion, Alignment change, or non-chivalric conduct. In this case, the character becomes a fighter of equivalent Level. It may be possible to regain the liege’s favour (and thus the status of knighthood) by performing a special quest.


Alignment: A knight must have the same Alignment as their liege.

Kindred: It is uncommon for Kindreds other than humans and breggles to be trained as knights in the service of the noble houses of Dolmenwood.

Social class: Knights are often members of the noble classes, but a person of lowlier origin may be initiated as a knight as a reward for noble deeds.

Weapons: Knights can use all melee weapons (preferring the lance) but cannot use missile weapons, which they regard as dishonourable.

Armour: Knights regard armour as a symbol of prowess and status, always favouring the most impressive and impervious-looking armour available. They scorn Light armour as suitable only for peasants and villains.

Starting Equipment

Armour (roll 1d6): 1. Chainmail. 2–3. Chainmail + shield. 4. Plate mail. 5–6. Plate mail + shield.

Weapons (roll 1d6 twice): 1. Dagger. 2–4. Lance (spear for Small characters). 5. Longsword. 6. Mace.

Chivalric Code

Knights strive to uphold a stringent code of honour which binds all decision and deed. See The Code of Chivalry. The repercussions of performing acts at odds with the code of chivalry depend on the Alignment of the knight and their liege.

Lawful or Neutral: The knight brings dishonour upon their liege, thus risking Disfavour.

Chaotic: The knight is unlikely to bring dishonour upon their liege, whose reputation is already villainous. Unchivalrous deeds are, however, perceived as besmirching the institution of knighthood. Other knights hunt the Chaotic knight and attempt to bring them to justice.

The Code of Chivalry

Honour: A knight must behave honourably in all deeds. A knight’s honour is of utmost importance. Death is preferable to dishonour.

Service: Service to one’s liege is the greatest honour.

Glory: A knight must seek glory in battle—especially in single combat.

Protecting the weak: Any person in the knight’s charge must be defended to the death.

Hierarchy: The hierarchy that binds society is to be upheld. Superiors must be honoured, equals respected, inferiors commanded, and the ignoble scorned.


Assessing steeds: Knights are expert riders and can assess the worth of any steed. This allows a knight to determine whether an animal has low, average, or high Hit Points for its type.

Urging great speed: From Level 5, a knight can urge their steed to great haste once a day, increasing its Speed by 10 for up to 6 Turns.


Knights of Levels 1–2 are known as squires and are not yet regarded as true knights. Upon reaching Level 3, the character is knighted by their liege and gains the right to bear a coat of arms, typically emblazoned upon the knight’s shield.

Hospitality: Once knighted, the character earns rights of hospitality and aid from nobles and other knights of the same Alignment. Hospitality extends to any companions the knight is willing to vouch for. The knight is expected to extend such hospitality in kind.

Monster Slayer

From Level 5, a knight gains a +2 bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls against Large creatures.

Mounted Combat

Knights gain a +1 Attack bonus when mounted.

Strength of Will

Knights gain a +2 bonus to Saving Throws against fairy magic and effects that cause fear.

The Lower Houses of Dolmenwood

  1. House Guillefer (Neutral): Dreamy and aloof. Rulership shared between family members on a rotating basis—currently Lord Edwin Guillefer.
  2. House Harrowmoor (Lawful): Steadfast and militant. Under the rulership of Lady Theatrice Harrowmoor.
  3. House Hogwarsh (Neutral): Lax and debauched. Under the rulership of Baron Sagewine Hogwarsh.
  4. House Malbleat (Chaotic): Conniving and tyrannical. One of the ancient breggle noble houses, under the rulership of Lord Gryphius Malbleat.
  5. House Mulbreck (Lawful): Reclusive and detached. Under the rulership of Lady Pulsephine Mulbreck.
  6. House Murkin (Chaotic): Belligerent and ambitious. One of the ancient breggle noble houses, under the rulership of Lord Simeone Murkin.
  7. House Nodlock (Neutral): Bombastic and decaying. Under the rulership of Lord Harald Nodlock.
  8. House Ramius (Neutral): Dignified and shrewd. One of the ancient breggle noble houses, under the rulership of Lord Shadgore Ramius.

Knight Advancement

Save Targets
Level XP Hit Points Attack Doom Ray Hold Blast Spell
1 0 1d8 +1 12 13 12 15 15
2 2,250 +1d8 +1 12 13 12 15 15
3 4,500 +1d8 +2 11 12 11 14 14
4 9,000 +1d8 +3 10 11 10 13 13
5 18,000 +1d8 +3 10 11 10 13 13
6 36,000 +1d8 +4 9 10 9 12 12
7 72,000 +1d8 +5 8 9 8 11 11
8 144,000 +1d8 +5 8 9 8 11 11
9 290,000 +1d8 +6 7 8 7 10 10
10 420,000 +1d8 +7 6 7 6 9 9
11 550,000 +2 +7 6 7 6 9 9
12 680,000 +2 +8 5 6 5 8 8
13 810,000 +2 +9 4 5 4 7 7
14 940,000 +2 +9 4 5 4 7 7
15 1,070,000 +2 +10 3 4 3 6 6
knight.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/17 18:02 by admin

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