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  • Prime Abilities: Constitution and Dexterity
  • Hit Points: 1d8 per Level, +2 after Level 10
  • Combat Aptitude: Martial
  • Armour: Light, shields
  • Weapons: Any

Hardened to a life in the wilds, hunters develop a keen survival instinct and an intuitive connection with wild animals. A hunter’s knowledge of tracking, hunting, and survival is invaluable to any party travelling deep into Dolmenwood.

Starting Equipment

Armour (roll 1d6): 1–3. Leather armour. 4–6. Leather armour + shield.

Weapons (roll 1d6 twice): 1. Dagger. 2. Longsword. 3–4. Longbow + 20 arrows (shortbow + 20 arrows for Small characters). 5. Shortsword. 6. Sling + 20 stones.

Animal Companion

A hunter may attempt to forge a bond with an animal. If the bond is successfully established, the animal becomes the hunter’s loyal companion.


One companion: A hunter may have but a single animal companion. If a companion dies or is dismissed, the hunter may attempt to forge a connection with a new animal.

Type of animal: Both wild and domestic animals may be companions. Giant or magical animals may become a hunter’s companion at the Referee’s discretion. Sentient animal species are not suitable.

Level: An animal companion may not exceed the hunter’s Level.

Establishing a Connection

The hunter must approach the animal and interact in a peaceful manner for 1 Turn. On a successful Charisma Check, the animal becomes the hunter’s companion.

Companion’s Behaviour

Once a connection is successfully established, the animal companion follows the hunter everywhere. It understands basic commands from the hunter (even if its species would not normally do so). The companion fights to defend the hunter, never checking Morale.

Hunter Skills

As they advance in Level, hunters improve their chance of success with the Survival skill. They also have three additional, specialised skills. The Hunter Skill Targets table lists the character’s Skill Targets as they advance in Level.


If a hunter’s party is surprised, the hunter may make an Alertness Check to act normally in the Surprise Round. See Surprise.


Hiding: A hunter may make a Stalking Check to remain undetected when the only cover available is light brush (see Hiding and Ambushes under Stealth).

Sneaking: If a Surprise Roll indicates that a hunter’s party has been detected, the hunter may make a Stalking Check to remain undetected. See Surprise.

Wilderness only: Hunters can only use Stalking in the wilds (i.e. not in settlements, indoors, or in subterranean space).


A successful check allows a hunter to find tracks left by creatures in a 30′ × 30′ area. The hunter knows the type of creatures that made the tracks and may follow the tracks.

Time: An attempt to find tracks takes 1 Turn.

Retrying: The hunter may not attempt to find tracks again in the same location.

Following tracks: The hunter can follow discovered tracks until conditions worsen (see Modifiers, below). Another Tracking Check is then required.

Modifiers: The Referee may specify situational modifiers depending on the conditions, for example: +1 for soft ground, –1 for hard; +1 for tracks made by a group of 10 or more creatures; –2 for active attempts to cover tracks; –1 per day since the tracks were made, –1 per hour of rain or covering snow; –1 for poor lighting.

Wilderness only: Hunters can only use Tracking in the wilds (i.e. not in settlements, indoors, or in subterranean space).

Hunter Skill Targets

Level Alertness Stalking Survival Tracking
1 6 6 5 5
2 6 6 4 5
3 6 6 4 4
4 6 5 4 4
5 5 5 4 4
6 5 5 3 4
7 5 5 3 3
8 5 4 3 3
9 4 4 3 3
10 4 3 3 3
11 4 3 2 3
12 4 3 2 2
13 3 3 2 2
14 3 2 2 2
15 2 2 2 2

Customising Hunter Skills (Optional Rule)

The Hunter Skill Targets table lists the standard skill progression, granting a balanced advancement across all skills. Players wishing to customise their character’s skill advancement may use this optional rule.

Base Skill Target: All skills begin at 6.

Expertise points: Hunters gain expertise points to improve their skills. Each point allocated to a skill lowers the Skill Target by 1.

At Level 1: At character creation, the player may allocate 2 expertise points.

Gaining Levels: At each Level gained, the player may allocate 1 expertise point.

Minimum Skill Target: No Skill Target may be lowered below 2.

Missile Attacks

Hunters gain a +1 Attack bonus with all missile weapons.


After hunting down (i.e. tracking, ambushing, or chasing) and slaying a creature, a hunter may take a trophy from it—for example, a stag’s antlers, a wyrm’s tooth, etc.

Size: Trophies must be sizeable items (weighing at least 50 coins).

Boon: If a trophy is either on the hunter’s person or mounted in their home, it acts as a charm: the hunter gains a +1 bonus to Attack Rolls against other creatures of the same type and a +1 bonus to Saving Throws against their special attacks.


If the Referee determines that the hunter’s party has become lost, there is a 3-in-6 chance that the hunter can find the path again.

Hunter Advancement

Save Targets
Level XP Hit Points Attack Doom Ray Hold Blast Spell
1 0 1d8 +1 12 13 14 15 16
2 2,250 +1d8 +1 12 13 14 15 16
3 4,500 +1d8 +2 11 12 13 14 15
4 9,000 +1d8 +3 10 11 12 13 14
5 18,000 +1d8 +3 10 11 12 13 14
6 36,000 +1d8 +4 9 10 11 12 13
7 72,000 +1d8 +5 8 9 10 11 12
8 144,000 +1d8 +5 8 9 10 11 12
9 290,000 +1d8 +6 7 8 9 10 11
10 420,000 +1d8 +7 6 7 8 9 10
11 550,000 +2 +7 6 7 8 9 10
12 680,000 +2 +8 5 6 7 8 9
13 810,000 +2 +9 4 5 6 7 8
14 940,000 +2 +9 4 5 6 7 8
15 1,070,000 +2 +10 3 4 5 6 7
hunter.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/17 18:02 by admin

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