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  • Kindred Type: Mortal
  • Level 1 PC Age: 15 + 2d10 years
  • Lifespan: 50 + 2d20 years
  • Height: 5′4″ + 2d6″ (Medium)
  • Weight: 120 + 6d10 lbs
  • Native Languages: Woldish, Gaffe, Caprice

The proud and stubborn breggles—sometimes called goatfolk (or hregl, in their own tongues)—have inhabited the High Wold since antiquity. Once the sole masters of that fertile region of hills, meadows, and tangled woods, the ancient breggle noble houses now rule alongside humans, swearing fealty to the Dukes of Brackenwold. Breggles live much as humans do, dwelling in hamlets, farmsteads, and castles. In the larger towns of the High Wold, breggles live side by side with humans.

Further details: The Dolmenwood Player's Book provides further flavour and background information on breggles, including tables for backgrounds, trinkets, and personal details.

Shorthorns and Longhorns

Breggles divide themselves into two castes, differentiated by horn length: shorthorns (the working class) and longhorns (the noble class). Despite this division, shorthorns and longhorns are in fact the same species. The horns of a shorthorn who earns wealth and renown will grow, eventually reaching longhorn proportions (4″ or more). True acceptance in the ruling class is, however, another matter.


A small number of breggle surnames are shared by humans native to the High Wold, the two Kindreds having lived side by side for many centuries.

Naming a character: Either choose a first name and surname from the table below, roll for each, or invent something in a similar vein.

Breggle Names

d20 Male Female Unisex Surname
1 Aele Aedel Addle Blathergripe
2 Braembel Berrild Andred Bluegouge
3 Broob Bredhr Blocke Bockbrugh
4 Crump Draed Clover Bockstump
5 Drerdl Fannigrew Crewwin Elbowgen
6 Frennig Frandorup Curlip Forlocke
7 Grerg Grendilore Eleye Hwodlow
8 Gripe Grendl Ellip Lankshorn
9 Llerg Grewigg Frannidore Lockehorn
10 Llrod Hildrup Ghrend Longbeard
11 Lope Hraigl Grennigore Longshanks
12 Mashker Hwendl Gwendl Shankwold
13 Olledg Maybel Hrannick Smallbuck
14 Rheg Myrkle Hwoldrup Snicklebock
15 Shadgore Nannigrew Lindor Snidebleat
16 Shadwell Pettigrew Merrild Snoode
17 Shadwicke Rrhimbr Smenthard Underbleat
18 Shandor Shord Snerg Underbuck
19 Shank Smethra Wendlow Wolder
20 Snerd Wheld Windor Woldleap

Choosing a Class

Breggle adventurers are most commonly fighters, knights, or magicians. They seldom seek membership of the Pluritine Church as clerics or friars, and only rare individuals have enough of a connection with Fairy to become enchanters.


A breggle character’s thick, woolly fur grants them +1 AC when unarmoured or wearing Light armour.


Upon attaining longhorn status (from Level 4), a breggle character can use their gaze to charm humans and shorthorns into obeisance.

Activating: The longhorn must gaze intently at an individual human or shorthorn.

Effect: If the target fails a Save Versus Spell, they are charmed to view the longhorn character with awe and respect. While charmed, the target is unable to harm the longhorn, either directly or indirectly.

Duration: Until next sunrise.

Resisting: The holy spell Mantle of Protection counters a longhorn’s gaze.

Usage frequency: A longhorn may use their gaze a limited number of times per day, depending on their Level—see the Breggle Advancement table. The gaze may be used on a specific subject at most once a day.


Breggles may make a melee attack with their horns instead of a weapon. The damage inflicted increases with Level, as indicated in the Breggle Advancement table.

Horn Length and Social Standing

A breggle character begins play as a commoner of the shorthorn caste, aspiring to improve their lot in life. As they advance in Level, gaining experience, wealth, and renown, their horns grow (see the Breggle Advancement table).

Longhorn Status

Upon reaching Level 4, a breggle character’s horns have grown to the point that the character is recognised as a longhorn.

Breggle Advancement

Level Length Damage Gaze
1 1″ 1d4
2 2″ 1d4
3 3″ 1d4 + 1
4 4″ 1d4 + 1 1 / day
5 6″ 1d4 + 1 1 / day
6 8″ 1d6 2 / day
7 10″ 1d6 2 / day
8 12″ 1d6 3 / day
9 14″ 1d6 + 1 3 / day
10+ 16″ 1d6 + 2 4 / day
breggle.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/17 18:00 by admin

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