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  • Prime Abilities: Charisma and Dexterity
  • Hit Points: 1d6 per Level, +1 after Level 10
  • Combat Aptitude: Semi-martial
  • Armour: Light and Medium, no shields
  • Weapons: Small and Medium

Worldly and well-travelled, bards are storehouses of folklore and hearsay. Their music and songs are woven with magic, which can both protect and beguile.

Starting Equipment

Armour (roll 1d6): 1–2. None. 3–4. Leather armour. 5–6. Chainmail.

Weapons (roll 1d6 twice): 1. Club. 2. 3 daggers. 3. Longsword. 4. Sling + 20 stones. 5. Shortbow + 20 arrows. 6. Shortsword.

Class items: Musical instrument (stringed or wind).

Bard Skills

As they advance in Level, bards improve their chance of success with the Listen skill. They also have three additional, specialised skills. The Bard Skill Targets table lists the character’s Skill Targets as they advance in Level.

Decipher Document

A successful check allows a bard to understand the gist of a non-magical text in a language they do not speak, unravel a cypher, or identify cryptically labelled landmarks on a map.

Retrying: The bard may only attempt to read the same document again after gaining a Level.


A successful check allows a bard to perform a trick of sleight of hand, such as palming a small object, slipping a poison into a drink, or pilfering a small item in the possession of another creature.

Difficulty: –1 penalty per 3 Levels of the victim or observer (e.g. a Level 6 target incurs a –2 penalty).

Natural 1: On a roll of natural 1, the bard must Save Versus Doom to avoid being noticed. The Referee determines the victim’s reaction.

Monster Lore

A successful check allows a bard to identify monsters and their basic powers and vulnerabilities, based on their appearances in myth and folklore.

Retrying: The bard may only attempt to identify the same kind of monster again after gaining a Level.

Bard Skill Targets

Level Decipher Doc. Legerdemain Listen Monster Lore
1 6 6 5 5
2 5 6 5 5
3 5 6 5 4
4 5 5 5 4
5 5 5 4 4
6 4 5 4 4
7 4 5 4 3
8 4 4 4 3
9 4 4 3 3
10 3 4 3 3
11 3 3 3 3
12 3 3 3 2
13 2 3 3 2
14 2 3 2 2
15 2 2 2 2

Customising Bard Skills (Optional Rule)

The Bard Skill Targets table lists the standard skill progression, granting a balanced advancement across all skills. Players wishing to customise their character’s skill advancement may use this optional rule.

Base Skill Target: All skills begin at 6.

Expertise points: Bards gain expertise points to improve their skills. Each point allocated to a skill lowers the Skill Target by 1.

At Level 1: At character creation, the player may allocate 2 expertise points.

Gaining Levels: At each Level gained, the player may allocate 1 expertise point.

Minimum Skill Target: No Skill Target may be lowered below 2.

Counter Charm

While the bard plays music and sings, allies within 30′ are immune to magical effects based on music or song and gain a +2 bonus to Saving Throws against fairy magic.

Restrictions: A bard can use counter charm once per Turn. While playing, the bard may move at half Speed, but cannot attack or perform other actions.

Duration: The counter charm lasts as long as the bard keeps playing.

Disrupting: If the bard is harmed or fails a Saving Throw, the counter charm ends.


By playing music and singing, the bard can fascinate subjects in a 30′ radius.

Restrictions: A bard may use enchantment once a day per Level, and it cannot be used in combat. While playing, the bard may move at half Speed, but cannot attack or perform other actions.

Selecting subjects: One or more creatures whose Levels total up to twice the bard’s Level can be affected. If a group is targeted, the Referee selects the subjects randomly, summing their Levels until the maximum is reached.

Types of subjects: At Level 1, the bard can affect mortals. From Level 4, animals and demi-fey can also be affected. From Level 7, fairies and monstrosities can also be affected.

Resisting: Each subject must Save Versus Spell or be fascinated (see Fascinated Subjects).

Fascinated Subjects

Rapt: Fascinated subjects’ attention is fully bent on the bard’s performance.

Follow: If the bard walks while playing, fascinated subjects follow.

Interruptions: If the performance is interrupted (e.g. by loud noise or violence), the fascination ends immediately.

Duration: The fascination lasts for as long as the bard’s performance continues. Afterwards, fascinated subjects may come under a stronger charm (see When the Performance Ends).

When the Performance Ends

If the performance lasted for at least 1 Turn and ended without interruption, each fascinated subject must make another Save Versus Spell (with a +2 bonus) or be charmed as follows.

Friendship: Charmed subjects regard the bard as a trusted friend and ally, coming to the bard’s defence.

Commands: If they share a language, charmed subjects obey the bard’s commands.

Resisting commands: The subject may resist commands that contradict their habits or Alignment. Suicidal or clearly harmful commands are always refused.

Duration: 1 Turn per Level of the bard.

Bard Advancement

Save Targets
Level XP Hit Points Attack Doom Ray Hold Blast Spell
1 0 1d6 +0 13 14 13 15 15
2 1,750 +1d6 +0 13 14 13 15 15
3 3,500 +1d6 +1 12 13 12 14 14
4 7,000 +1d6 +1 12 13 12 14 14
5 14,000 +1d6 +2 11 12 11 13 13
6 28,000 +1d6 +2 11 12 11 13 13
7 56,000 +1d6 +3 10 11 10 12 12
8 112,000 +1d6 +3 10 11 10 12 12
9 220,000 +1d6 +4 9 10 9 11 11
10 340,000 +1d6 +4 9 10 9 11 11
11 460,000 +1 +5 8 9 8 10 10
12 580,000 +1 +5 8 9 8 10 10
13 700,000 +1 +6 7 8 7 9 9
14 820,000 +1 +6 7 8 7 9 9
15 940,000 +1 +7 6 7 6 8 8
bard.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/17 18:00 by admin

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