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Adventurers begin play at Level 1 with no Experience Points. Those who have success in adventuring gain Experience Points, gradually accumulating enough to increase in Level.

Party XP Awards

A party that survives an adventure and returns to safety gains Experience Points (XP). XP is awarded by the Referee, based on how successful the adventure was. The main factors are as follows. The Dolmenwood Campaign Book has full details on awarding XP, including optional rules for additional kinds of XP awards.

Treasure: The party gains 1 XP per 1 gold piece value of treasure recovered. Recovered treasure is the primary source of XP, usually accounting for three-quarters or more of total XP earned.

Foes defeated: The party gains XP for every foe defeated (i.e. slain, outsmarted, captured, scared away, etc.). The XP award for a creature is determined by its Level and the number of potent special traits it has.

Dividing Party XP

All XP awarded to the party is totalled and divided evenly between all party members who survived the adventure. Awarded XP is always divided evenly, irrespective of how the party decides to divide treasure.

Prime Ability XP Modifiers

Characters with especially low or high scores in their Class’s Prime Abilities receive a bonus or penalty applied to XP awarded to them (see Prime Abilities).


Retainers are treated somewhat differently than Player Characters.

Townsfolk retainers: Do not gain XP, so are not counted as party members for the purposes of XP division.

Adventurer retainers: Adventurer retainers are counted as party members for the purposes of XP division. As retainers follow instructions from PCs, rather than independently making decisions, all XP they earn is halved.

Example: A party of four PCs, three adventurer retainers, and two townsfolk retainers is awarded a total of 7,000 XP. This total is divided by 7 (4 PCs + 3 retainers—not counting the townsfolk), resulting in an award of 1,000 XP per character. The PCs gain 1,000 XP each and the retainers gain 500 XP each.

Maximum XP Per Session

A character cannot advance more than one Level in a single session. Any additional XP that would take a character two or more Levels above their current Level are lost, leaving the character at 1 XP below the total for the next Level.

Levelling Up

When a character gains enough XP to reach the next Level (found on the advancement table for each Class), update the character sheet with improvements.

Hit Points: Increase the character’s current and maximum Hit Points by the amount listed.

Attack and Save Targets: Note any improvements to Attack and Save Targets listed.

Spells and skills: Note any change in Skill Targets and the number of spells the character can use each day, as applicable to the Class.

Other Kindred or Class traits: Note any additional traits that the character is able to use due to their increased Level. (Some Kindred and Class traits can only be used by characters of a certain Level.)

XP for next Level: Note the XP total required for the next Level.

Training (Optional Rule)

The Referee may require characters to engage in a period of training in order to level up. Until the training is complete, the character cannot advance to the next Level and can gain no further XP.

Training with a mentor: A character may train under a mentor of the same Class and higher Level. Training requires 1–4 weeks. The Referee may determine the training time randomly (1d4) or may base it on the player’s performance (e.g. clever play, successful use of Class capabilities, etc.). Training under a mentor costs 250gp per week per Level of the trainee.

Training alone: If the character trains alone, the cost is halved but the time required is doubled.

advancement.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/14 19:22 by admin

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